Abraham Lincoln statue on Carthage College's campus.
Nicole Vydra

Nicole Vydra

Class Year



Aurora, Illinois


Marketing, Management, and Finance



Nicole Vydra ’24 has been involved at Carthage since day one. 她的创造力、野心和职业道德极大地影响了全球十大赌钱排行app的历史 Pi Sigma Epsilon, a national sales fraternity. She also holds leadership positions in Chi Omega, the Finance and Investment Club, and Student Government as the Panhellenic representative. As a student ambassador, 她与未来的学生分享她对全球十大赌钱排行app的欣赏和知识. 

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“市场营销、管理和金融方面的职业选择是无止境的. 通过提高我的公共演讲技巧,我的个人和专业都得到了发展, business knowledge and vocabulary, and awareness of career opportunities in business.”

Nicole Vydra, ’24

Why Carthage?

“I fell in love with Carthage from the moment I stepped into the business center. 在确认注册之前,我有机会旁听了一节商务课. 我最初对教授丰富的知识和课堂的支持气氛印象深刻. Walking along Campus Drive, students were friendly and lively. 我遇到的每一位教授都对自己的领域和实际经验充满热情, along with designated office hours and a welcoming demeanor. 全球十大赌钱排行app还拥有两个主要商业中心之间的绝佳位置, Milwaukee and Chicago, along the beautiful Lake Michigan.”

Faculty mentors

全球十大赌钱排行app向我展示了我以前从未考虑过的职业道路. 我与商学院教员和我的导师建立的私人关系, Professor Carter Rockhill他们支持我的教育,并推动我成为一个更有创造力和更成功的学生. Not only have the faculty encouraged my passions, 但它们指引了我进一步探索职业的方向. My professors have believed in me even when I doubted my abilities, and without their leadership and support, I would not be the student or person I am today.”

Favorite class

“我在全球十大赌钱排行app上过的最喜欢的课是商业法律环境. Although this course is challenging, 课堂上引人入胜的讨论和辩论激发了我的智力. My classes in accounting, finance, economics, marketing, and management enabled my personal growth. Still, 我的法律课程激发了我解决问题的热情和对法律制度基础的热爱. Professor Michael Phegley 努力使课堂充满乐趣,同时挑战我们拓展思维方式,促进智力增长. 他使用现实世界的例子使我们正在学习的背景适用于现实生活场景, and I have progressed my ways of thinking because of them.”

Toughest class

“The most challenging class I have had is Corporate Finance. Professor Zheng Chao 是一位出色的教授和系主任,在课堂上培养和挑战学生以确保成功. The contents of the class itself are challenging, especially because it was my first finance class, but understanding the material is very rewarding. 这门课需要努力学习和集中注意力才能理解内容, 但是完成小组项目的成就感是令人满足的.”

Campus involvement

“从大学一年级开始,我就一直担任专业发展副总裁 Pi Sigma Epsilon, a national sales fraternity. 在这个职位上,我最自豪的成就之一就是把我对疯狂三月的热爱和对个人发展的热情结合起来,创造了一种支架式的面试竞争. Through this process, 通过采访兄弟会成员和其他商科学生,我提高了自己的面试技巧. 最后一轮包括一个由商业专业人士组成的小组,以及一个企业与学生交流的活动. 我也可以添加像Nicole 's News这样的片段,这是每周的经济更新, a Word of the Week to increase business vocabulary for the chapter, 还有实习聚光灯来突出我们参与的分会成员. 我还担任我所在的社会姐妹会Chi Omega的校园活动和精神部主任. In this role, 我已经能够教育分会的课外机会和活动,以增加分会在校园的参与. 我还通过设计和购买t恤、制作海报和装饰来计划我们的返校游行. ”

Golden opportunities

”In my classes, I have had the opportunity to create a marketing plan, a sales report, a professional portfolio, a stock analysis report, case briefs, and budget and inventory reports. 这些现实世界的工具使我能够练习我将在任何领域每天使用的技能.”

Internships or campus employment

“On campus, I have worked as a student ambassador, which has built my confidence and improved my interpersonal skills. 我也提高了我在销售和市场营销方面的技能,因为我可以突出全球十大赌钱排行app的最佳特征,并向每个学生描述全球十大赌钱软件app可能是适合他们的地方. 虽然每个游览全球十大赌钱排行app的学生都是不同的,但全球十大赌钱排行app为所有人提供了一些东西. 我作为学生大使的职责之一就是向未来的学生展示全球十大赌钱排行app所提供的许多机会.”

Favorite spot on campus

“我在校园里最喜欢的地方之一是后面的玻璃会议室 David A. Straz Jr. Center for Natural Sciences. 这间会议室俯瞰着美丽的湖泊,白天阳光明媚. 这是我最喜欢的学习地点之一,总是能让我保持平静. I also enjoy the Semler Fitness Center, Carthage‘s main gym for non-athlete students. 健身中心是课后锻炼和减压的好地方,有一种温暖的社区感觉, usually with a familiar face greeting me at the door. 主球场也是我最喜欢的地方之一,因为我喜欢打休闲篮球. 这是一个美丽的球场,有宽敞的竞技场和精心设计的布局.”

Favorite memory

“My favorite moment at Carthage for this year was our Homecoming Weekend, 在那里,我有机会带领我的姐妹会参加返校节游行,并与家人共度时光,让他们像我一样享受全球十大赌钱排行app. 全球十大赌钱排行app不遗余力地在周末为学生提供便利和活动,为学生提供一个具有亲密社区感觉的大型学校比赛日环境.”

Biggest surprise

“让我感到惊讶的是,全球十大赌钱排行app是一个如此接近的社区. Almost everyone at Carthage is connected in some way. There is a big family or community feeling. 尽管我们有来自全国各地的学生,甚至还有国际学生, students are still respectful, understanding, 欢迎来自校园的人,分享相似的社区和包容性价值观. I was not expecting such a supportive and inclusive environment, but I feel blessed to have encountered one.”

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